The 1st Vacay – Gulf Shores

What a trip. Beach.  Gardens.  Family.  Good times!!  After my first plane ride, I got to go to the beach.  It was chilly but awesome.  The waves crashing against the sand sounded like my bedroom at night.

Family Time

We met my Great Aunt Nancy and headed off to lunch.  The place was right on the water; I love the sound of the waves.  We chowed down and then headed for a stroll on the beach.  What a wild start to my day.  We headed over to Aunt Nancy’s house where we could take a much-needed nap.

The next day we decided to visit one of Aunt Nancy’s favorite parks.  We strolled (literally) through the park.  I was still bit a tired from the previous day, so I was in and out of consciousness.


Orange Beach

Then Pa said two of my most favorite words, BBQ and Beach.  We headed down towards the shore and grabbed a bite to eat.  Some good ol’ fashion Alabama BBQ.  Now it was time to head to the beach.  We strolled (not literally) down the shore for a while and came to a beautiful resting place just a ways back from the water.  Pa dug a hole so I could sit up and watch the waves crash along the shore.  I am pretty sure this is my happy place.  Sunshine, waves, and the beach; life doesn’t get much better than this.  While the others were enjoying the moment, I tried sneaking some sand to taste.  It was a bit grainy and salty, but overall, I would say not bad.  After all of this, I was pooped (literally and figuratively), so we headed back to the house to call it a day.

Mmmmmmm, sand tasty

Mobile Home Tour

After some good rest, we headed to Mobile.  There were a couple of places Ma and Pa wanted to see.  I wasn’t that interested, but I figured I would tag along for the ride.  We stopped at a couple of homes on the “Mobile Home Tour” (you’d think they could have come up with a better name).  These places were old and huge.  As usual, we strolled through the area and the neighborhoods, taking it all in.

Random house in Mobile

Next, it was onto the Botanical Gardens.  Pa was really happy even though it started to sprinkle.  It was quite lovely.  Lots of flowers, birds, and beautiful smells.  I think I could get used to these places.  I was exhausted, so we headed back to rest up because we were meeting some of Ma’s family tonight.

More Family Time

Ma’s cousin, Bart, and his son, Hunter, came over to hang out for a little while.  Hunter would be my second or third or fourth cousin of some sort.  I am not sure and to be honest, I can’t count that high.  We played with the dog, had a bottle, and snuggled in tight for some books before bed.  It was great fun.

Hunter and Me

Fairhope, Alabama

Our final day in Alabama was a quiet one.  We went into a quaint town called Fairhope.  Enjoyed some breakfast and strolled down the streets.  We poked our head into some shops and markets.  One market even had a garden right outside.  Very cool!

Windmill Market, Fairhope, Alabama

Fairhope Pier

That night, Aunt Nancy brought us back to Fairhope for Taco Tuesdays at a local taco shop called DragonFly.  Tacos were uniquely awesome, and everyone chowed down.  The grown-ups even sipped on some white grape juice.  Looked tasty.  We ended the night with a walk along the pier.  I stayed in the stroller which turned out to be a lot of fun.  The slats on some of the pier shook the entire stroller.  It made me giggle.  What a way to end my first trip.

Fairhope Pier with Aunt Nancy and Pa

Pinning the Map

We left the next day to fly back home.  I slept for most of the plane ride, as traveling is exhausting.  When we got back to the house, Ma and Pa introduced me to the “pinning of the map.”  This time, they used a new color pin, yellow, to signify all the places that the three of us would travel together.  I can’t wait for the next KaiVenture.

My First Pin