Dallas – Fun in the “Wild”

Pa was working in Dallas for a couple of weeks, so Ma picked me up from school early, and we hopped in the car and drove up to see him. Once we got to Dallas, our first stop was a restaurant that Ma had picked out in anticipation of our next big trip, Sri Lanka. …

Boston – Cold in April!

Ma and I jumped on an airplane and headed to Boston.  Pa had been working in Atlanta and was meeting us there.  I was very excited, as this city has so much history. However, that excitement quickly disappeared because of the weather.  It was cold and rainy the whole time we were there, but I…

Grand Cayman – The Fun

The beach life is great.  I absolutely love it.  But, hanging out there all day.  That can be exhausting.  So each day we find an adventure to go on.  By the time we are done, I am ready for some relaxation on the beach. Our first stop in Grand Cayman was the Cayman Turtle Farm. …

Grand Cayman – The Beach

I love the beach.  And as you can see in the picture above, the beach loves me.  This whole trip I was beating the ladies off my shovel.  I was like, “Ladies, I am here to relax, and you be stressing me out!” This vacation was about some good R&R.  Being two is tough.  I…

Washington on the Brazos

It was Thanksgiving, so I was graced with the presence of MeeMaw and PeePaw.  This also means an adventure around Houston.  This trip we decided to experience some Texas history.  We headed out to Washington on the Brazos.  This is where the country of Texas declared its independence from Mexico.  This is where Texas became…

Cleveland – Fun with the Cousins

My purpose for going to Ohio, other than to help Ma with work, was to hang out with my only two cousins.  I was super excited to see them again.  The last time I saw them I was only a little tyke.  This time, I was ready for some action! When we arrived, both Evan…

Cleveland – Fun in Northeast Ohio

We were off to Cleveland.  Ma had a conference to attend, and I had some cousins to visit.  I’ll talk about the cousin fun in the next post.  This one is all about our time in Northeast Ohio. We landed, got our car, and headed The Greenhouse Tavern.  The weather was perfect, so we sat…

Bonaire – The Food and The House

Pa really enjoys cooking while we travel.  He is also cheap!  After we land and get situated in our accommodations, Pa’s first trip is to a local market or grocery store.  To save a little bit of money, or be cheap like I said, he will buy ingredients to cook breakfast and dinner almost every…

Bonaire – My Adventures

With my Ma being a geographer we are always heading out on some crazy adventures.  This time, I was in charge of mapping out the order of our events in Bonaire.  But reading a map is tough, and many of the best adventures happen when there is no plan.  So we threw the map away…

Bonaire – The Beaches

Our journey to Bonaire started like any other.  We landed at night, got our car, and Pa proceeded to get lost.  After about 45 minutes of driving in circles, we finally found our house.  It was a cozy little place right on the water, Casa Topana.  At this point, though, there was no time for…