Swiss Fondue

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Switzerland is a magical place any time of year, but in the wintertime, it becomes spectacular.  The train trips through the snow-covered mountains, the sledding, and the skiing all create a wonderful experience.  

The Trip

One of my favorite parts of our trip was the Bernina Express through the Swiss Alps and into northern Italy.  The Bernina Express is this beautiful red train with giant windows.  We hopped on board the train before the sun woke up.  Seeing the sunrise as we climbed the mountain peaks was simply incredible.  It almost felt like we had been transported into another world.  

The Food

But you are here for the food.  And let me say, the food did not disappoint.  We had many good meals during our trip.  Of course, I have to mention the pizza in Northern Italy.  Nothing really beats fresh, Italian pizza made in a wood-fired oven.  From the moment you step into the pizzeria, you take in the smell of the fire, the fresh dough, and the hint of tomato sauce. It is awesome.  

Our most memorable meal in Switzerland was fondue.  Believe it or not, we waited until our final night in Zurich to try it, and boy, it did not disappoint.  You can’t go wrong with a meal centered around bread and cheese.  I loved the whole setup.  The server brought us the tiny little burner and pot to keep the cheese warm.  The little pokers to stab the bread and then dip into the melty cheese were so fun. I think this goes without saying (but I’m going to say it anyways): it was incredible.  This is why, when it came to Cooking with Kai, we had to recreate Swiss Fondue.  Here is my attempt.  Enjoy!

Recipe – Adapted from Peters Food Adventures

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Enjoyment Time:  Evening

Parents accompaniments:  A lovely glass of Riesling


  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1.5 cups white wine
  • 1 tbs cornstarch
  • 1.5 pounds grated Swiss Cheese
  • 1 tbs Kirschwasser
  • Pinch of nutmeg
  • A few cracks of black pepper
  • 1 Loaf of French Bread


  1. Cut garlic clove in half.  Rub inside the fondue pot.
  2. Add white wine and cornstarch.  Heat and mix until smooth and hot but not boiling.
  3. Slowly add the Swiss cheese while continually stirring until melted and smooth.  If cheese is too thick, add an extra ¼ cup of white wine.  
  4. Season with nutmeg and black pepper.  Add the Kirsch.
  5. Remove the pot from the stove and place over the burner.  Serve immediately with cubed French bread.