St. Lucia – The Adventure

Pa had to go.  He just had to go.  So the first stop on our planned adventures was Diamond Botanical Garden.  I think this is going to turn into a thing.  Always having to visit the gardens when we travel.  At least they are pretty so I won’t object too often.

The botanical garden is set on Soufriere Estate which has been around since the early 1700’s.  As we made our way through the garden, we found many different types of blooming flowers.  From several different types of ginger to birds-of-paradise to hibiscus (according to Pa).  All looking amazing.

Torch Ginger at Diamond Botanical Gardens

After the botanical garden, we made our way down a trail to see the waterfall.  Whoa, what a wonder in nature.  We sat down for a while just soaking it all in, listening to crash of the waterfall.  We snapped a few pictures, a couple selfies, and we were on our way to the next adventure.

Diamond Waterfall

The next day it was time to explore some other beaches.  We headed to Sugar Beach.  It wasn’t that easy to get to, as you had to go through a hotel where they expected you to buy something.  That was easy for Ma and Pa, “Two cocktails over here please” was the theme for the afternoon.

It was an awesome beach.  The sand was so soft, the water was crystal clear, and the waves were not too big.  It was perfect for an afternoon of relaxation.  The perfect Caribbean day.

Sugar Beach

After the perfect Caribbean day, we decided to be more adventurous.  It was time to find a fort and a cannon.  There was Fort Rodney.  It was at the very northern part of the island, so it was a long drive to get out there.  Well, a long drive for Caribbean time.

It was situated on a cliff on the edge of the island.  It took some effort for Pa to get me all the way to the top.  But it was well worth his effort.  The view from there was fantastic.  It was very windy though.  Pa had to hold on tight to me.  We found several cannons up there too.  We took a few good pictures before we headed back down.  Apparently, this is some kind of tradition that was passed down from PeePaw to Pa and now, to me.

Cannon shot at Fort Rodney

We headed back down and walked along the beach that was on the property.  It was very nice.  It was very quiet and calm.  I can’t believe Ma and Pa did not bring my bathing suit.  This would have been perfect.  Instead, we just went for a stroll and let the water trickle between our toes.

Beach at Pigeon Island National Park

The next day Pa woke up really excited.  We rushed off to breakfast and then loaded up in the car a headed north.  We were going to a Rum distillery.  We arrived a bit early for the tour so we walked around the property for a bit.  We stumbled upon the tasting area.  There were 20+ bottles sitting out so people could just serve themselves.  What a setup.  Ma and Pa tried a few different styles and flavors.  After the tasting a few more people had shown up so we headed on the tour.  They showed us the stills and walked us through the process of how they make their rum.  They also showed us the casks where they are stored to age some of the rums.  Pa was very excited and purchased several bottles to bring home.

Our last day on the island we took very easy.  We hung around the hotel and played in the pool.  The water was a bit cooler than the sea but not as salty.  Ma and Pa sipped cocktails.  I sipped on bottles.  It was a great way to end a very adventuress vacation.  Or should I say KaiVenturess…….lol!


Pool at Hummingbird Resort