St. Lucia – Getting Acquainted

Alarm clocks and bells went off in my house in the morning.  It was Saturday, a day meant for sleeping in, which can only mean that it was a travel day.  Pa loaded the car, Ma got me ready, and off to the airport we went.

Flight went pretty smooth, but there was something else going on.  After we landed, we did not leave the airport.  We did not get our luggage.  We stayed and hung out.  Ma and Pa got some coffee while I hung watching the airplanes.  Next thing I knew, we are getting onto another plane.  Come to find out we had what is called a layover.  Now we were off to St. Lucia.

The steering wheel is on the wrong side!

We landed, got our passports stamped, got a car, and headed off to the house.  It was very strange though.  Pa got into the passenger seat and was driving from there.  He was also driving on the wrong side of the road.  Ma kept having to remind him to change lanes.


It was a really pretty drive to the house where we were staying.  There were two mountains off in the distance.  They were called the Pitons.  Pa stopped a few times along the way to snap some pictures.


We finally made it to the house, unloaded, and ran off to get some food.  We all ate at a restaurant on the water.  It was so nice to hear the water crashing on the beach.  I could really get used to this.  It had been a long day, and I was tired.  It was time to head to bed.

Pa woke up the next morning with complete horror.  There were ants all over the house.  They had gotten into my food, and it looked like all over me as well because I had red spots.  Ma and Pa were freaking out.  I was cool, of course.  Pa found a hotel for us, and we packed up and left.  It was not the best start to our trip, but hey, as long as I get fed I’m good.

We got to the hotel, unloaded once again, grabbed a bite to eat, and it was then off for our first adventure.  We went for a hike on a trail called En Bas Saut.  It was a pretty cool trail.  We went up and down several times.  Walked along edge of cliffs.  Saw some neat flowers and some amazing views of Mount Gimie.  By the end of the hike I was done.  I was securely strapped into Pa so nodded off for a while.

Ma’s Mother’s Day

The next day was Ma’s day.  No seriously.  It was Ma’s first mother’s day.   We had a pretty wild start to the trip so today we decided to take it easy.  I got out and toured the town, Soufriere, that morning just seeing what it had to offer. We mapped out the plan for the rest of the trip.  What to see, when to go, how to get there.

Church in Soufriere

That afternoon we spent some time on the beach.  I got my first taste of the sea.   And………it ………was………..great!!!!  The smell of the saltiness in the water.  The water crashing on my belly.  The way the sand mixed with the water in between my toes.  It was all so amazing.  I’m all about this life.

Beach at Soufriere Bay

That night we had a wonderful candlelit dinner overlooking the water and Petite Piton.  It was such a nice way to end Ma’s day.  I hope she enjoyed her first Mother’s Day.

Patio at Hummingbird Resort