Slovenia – The Coast

The Alps were great. But now we were headed to the coast for the real reason we were here. Ma was lecturing at Turistica in Portorož. So, we packed up and headed through Italy to get to the Slovenian coast.

On the drive, we stopped a couple of times. Our first stop was in a small town in Italy called Venzone. Yes, we actually drove through Italy! This was just a quick stop to stretch our legs (and to be able to say that I had been in Italy because I’m not sure just being in the car counts). But, Venzone was a pretty neat city. It was a walled city. And we got to see some mummies. That’s not something you see every day. Before we left, we also got some snacks. Ma and Pa got some pastries, and I got some gelato. You can’t step foot in Italy, even if it is just for a few minutes, without getting gelato.

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Next, it was on to Nova Gorica to pick up a friend of Ma’s and then head to Goriška Brda for lunch.  Oh boy, what a lunch it was.  We went to a restaurant/winery called Klinec in the heart of the small village of Medana.  The place was small, maybe a dozen tables.  The whole menu was local, and most items were grown or raised by the family, including the wine.  Good food, friends, and locale always makes for a great experience.  Believe me, I know.  I am 4!

After lunch, we finished our trek to the coast.  It was amazing to see the Adriatic Sea.  I found a good tree to lean against so that I could ponder all the good in this world!

02 kai taking in the feel of portoroz 3-12-2018

The next day, we took it easy.  We explored Portorož, Ma headed to the university, and we just relaxed.  That night we headed to Koper to meet some more of Ma’s friends who had driven in from Croatia to hang out with us!  It was another fun evening of food and friends.

04 renata and friend, mommy, kai, daddy portoroz 3-12-2018

The following day, we went into Koper.  Ma lived here for a few months when she taught at the University of Primorska.  She became really close with the family that owned the apartment.  We met up with them and thankfully, this time, there was someone my size to play with!  Tadaj is just a bit younger than me but was able to match my energy.  We played soccer for a bit in the square and then headed to a playground to horse around.  It was so much fun to have another kid to play with.

After a fun morning of soccer and playgrounds, we headed out to the Tuscany of Slovenia, the hills of Istria.  We met another friend of Ma’s at a Rodica Winery.  He was a friend of the winemaker, and he brought his two sons with him.  They were a bit older than me this time, but we still ran around while the grownups toured the facility.  It was quite pretty in this area.  I think Pa and I both had a little bit too much fun!

After a big day of playing with new friends, I needed a good night’s rest.  And, we had another big day ahead of us. Next up was the Škocjanske Cave.  The Škocjanske Cave is one of the largest underground canyons in the world.  Ma’s host at the university arranged for us to start the outing with a cool history and geography lesson from one of the cave’s directors.  We then headed off to join a tour group and take a walk through the cave.  What a sight!  We couldn’t take any pictures inside, but it was awesome.  Totally crazy to think about the person who discovered the cave and had to navigate without the nice paths we walked on.  Mother Nature is truly amazing.

Ma was teaching on our final night in Portorož.  Pa and I had to head to a store to get another suitcase for ALL the wine Pa was bringing home.  We then headed to Izola to enjoy some good seafood at local pub one of Ma’s friends had suggested.  We couldn’t read the menu, so the waiter headed back to the kitchen and brought out a tub with all the fresh fish.  Pa pointed at one, and the waiter took them all back into the kitchen.  Twenty minutes later, out came the fish – now grilled – and some potatoes.  Oh boy, was it yummy.  I scarfed down the bites Pa gave me and even asked for more.  I tried to eat the eyeball, but Pa decided I should probably take baby steps with my eating adventures. I guess eating a fish I had just met was enough of an adventure. For now.

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After our experiences on the coast, we had to pack up and head Ljubljana so we could be near the airport for our early morning flight home.  On the way, Ma and Pa said we HAD to make a stop. When we got there, I could see why. There was an epic castle built into the side of the mountain!  Predjama is 800 years old and the largest cave castle in the world.  There is a passage from the castle into the cave that leads to a safe area. You can imagine that this was an awesome thing to have during the battles that might have occurred here over the last 800 years.  Seriously, this is one of the coolest places in the world.

01 kai at predjama castle 5-16-2018

After visiting the castle, we went on to Kranj to meet up with another friend of Ma’s.  We toured the city for a bit, but then, and more importantly, we headed to his house so we could play.  He has a daughter around my age named Katjuša.  We played in her room while the adults hung out in the living room and talked.  We didn’t speak the same language, but that didn’t matter.  We still had lots of fun playing with toys, dolls, and trains.  It was the perfect way to end an amazing adventure through Slovenia!