San Jacinto Monument

It was Thanksgiving week, so that meant MeeMaw and PeePaw were in town.  And that meant an adventure around Houston.  We decided to see the San Jacinto Monument.

The San Jacinto Monument represents a critical moment in the Texas Revolution where Texas gained its independence from Mexico.  The monument is the largest stone monument in the world, even taller than the Washington Monument in Washington DC.  OK, history lesson over.

When we arrived, we took a stroll around the base.  From here you could see the USS Texas, a battleship, and the reflection pool.  We played around a bit, but the real action was inside.

MeeMaw, PeePaw, Pa, and Me

There was a really cool museum that talked about the monument, the battle of San Jacinto, and how the monument was constructed.  It had different artifacts from the time and told some remarkable stories from the battles.  After seeing all of the museum, we hopped on the elevator to go up 500+ feet to the observation tower.

In the observation tower, you could see forever.  We were really high up.  Pa held me up so I could see out all of the windows in each direction.  When you looked down, you could see other people.  They looked like ants.  It really put life into perspective.


View from the top of San Jacinto Monument



After taking all of this in, it was time for some lunch.  We brought a picnic, but the darn mosquitos were so bad that we had to have our picnic in the car.  Pa and me hung out in the back of the car munchin’ on our sandwiches and juicy clementines.


Picnic in a Mazda


We had one more stop to make.  We wanted to see what the battleship looked like up close.  Outside of the battleship was a cannon.  We had to stop and take our famous cannon shot with the guys.  Boys will be boys!

Then we finally made it the battleship.  It was huge.  It was awesome.  There were guns and cannons all over the ship.  We didn’t get a chance to go on the ship.  Maybe another trip.  Whoa!  What a day.  It is time for a nap.
