Ohio Summer Camp – With Pa

So Pa finally showed up for Summer Camp.  We were ready jump back into the Summer Camp fun.

Evan and Owen were moving from Columbus to a small town outside of Cleveland.  There were a lot of things to see and people to meet in that part of the state, so we decided to make a day trip.

First stop was Evan and Owen’s new house.  It was big.  There were stairs, a big driveway, and a humongous yard to play in.  Oh what fun this house was going to be!  We hung out and watch the movers work for a while.  What a hard job.  I was exhausted just watching them.   After about an hour, we moved on to our next stop, Great-Great Aunt Millie’s house.

We visited Aunt Millie for lunch.  She is a spunky 95 years young.  There were more stairs in her house.  Those kept me entertained for a while.  But I was pretty tired at this point, so I took a nap while Ma and Pa hung out with Aunt Millie.  After I woke up, we took some pictures together and then it was off the next stop: Kent State University.

Spunky Great Great Aunt Millie

We drove around campus looking at the neat sites.  We decided to park the car so we could snap a few pictures and find Ma’s old geography building.  I was wearing my Kent State Golden Flashes onesie, of course.  After walking around, we headed back to the car for one final stop.

Ma and me at Kent State

This was a very important stop.  These were the folks that got me my Kent State onesie.  Dave was Ma’s professor and advisor at Kent State.  Dave and his family were also they only people outside of Ma and Pa’s family to attend their “wedding” in Costa Rica.  Their daughter, Serena, took some of the best pictures from that night.  At their house in Kent, we hung out in room that felt like a garden.  It had a lot of sunlight and plants everywhere.  I want one of these rooms back home.  But it had been a long day, and I was pooped.  We decided to head back to MeeMaw and PeePaw’s.

Serena and me

The next day PeePaw had a big adventure planned.  We went to a small lake to enjoy a picnic and canoeing.  It took a while to get ready so I played in the living room and had staring contests with Gisele, the cat.  I could never beat her.  She just doesn’t blink!

We loaded up the truck and headed off.  It was a beautiful summer Ohio day to be outside.  We set up to have a picnic by the water.  We munched on sandwiches, chips, cookies, and my favorite, a bottle.  Then Ma and Pa hopped in the canoe and went for a ride.  I wanted to go with them, but they said the canoe could not have three people because of a weight issue.  Was that some sort of fat joke?  So, I hung out on the shore with MeeMaw and PeePaw.  They introduced me to all sorts of nature.  PeePaw even caught a butterfly so I could see it up close.  Ma and Pa got back, and they switched with MeeMaw and PeePaw.  Once everyone made it back, Pa took me out to the canoe so I could see what all the fuss was about.  It was neat, but there was no motor.  You had to move the boat yourself.  That’s just crazy!



There is no motor!


Aunt Amber had to come into Columbus, so she brought Evan and Owen with her.  We got to hang out some more and get some dinner all together.  After dinner, we went over to where they were staying so we could take some family photos with Aunt Amber.  I…..was…..killing it.  I’m not going to lie.  The camera loves me.  Every picture I took was gold.  Just pure magic.  All of this modeling was quite exhausting.  It was time for bed.


No more pictures, please!


We spent our last full day in Ohio at Summer Camp hanging around MeeMaw and PeePaw’s farm.  They have 5 acres with a tractor, a barn, and two horses.  Pa took me out to the tractor so that I could see a real piece of farm equipment.  It was awesome.  It was a Ford, my favorite.  I sat on the tractor imagining that it was running and I was shifting the gears.

PeePaw came out to tend to the horses.  We went into the barn where they were in their stalls.  He had some apples so that we could feed them a snack.  Annie and Blooper were both really pretty and nice.  Blooper came out of her stall so I could pet her.  What a wonderful end to Summer Camp.  I hope I get to do this every year!

Blooper and me