Ohio Summer Camp – Before Pa

So, Ma and I flew to Ohio.  I was on my best behavior on the plane because I knew she was ridin’ solo for this trip.  Ohio was where Ma grew up.  We were going to stay with MeeMaw and PeePaw out on their 5-acre farm.  It all sounded so exciting.

We were greeted by MeeMaw and PeePaw once we landed in Columbus.  We were going to spend two weeks here, and everyone was so excited.  The trip was dubbed “Summer Camp 2015.”

I spent the first day getting acquainted with MeeMaw and PeePaw’s house.  There was a cat that would stalk me during the day.  She seemed nice but never got close enough for me to pet.   The house was perfect.  There was enough room for me to roam now that I was starting to crawl but not get into much trouble.

The next day we went out to the tennis courts so Ma and PeePaw could play some tennis.  At the courts, there were my cousins, my only two cousins, Evan and Owen.  They were getting ready to play some doubles with Ma and PeePaw, but they were really excited to meet me.  It was our first time to see each other in person (gotta love FaceTime).  I watched them play tennis for a while.  Then we headed over to Evan and Owen’s house to play with some toys.  What a fun day!


Evan, Owen, and Me


The next day we got ready to go to the park.  PeePaw was headed off to teach some more tennis lessons, but first, we took a trip around the block in the Mustang.  Of course, PeePaw let me drive.  I don’t know a lot of things about this world just yet, but one thing I do know: I love Mustangs!  Feel the power!


Hey dude! Watch this!


At the park, we were able to play in the sand and slide down slides, and I even rode a turtle with MeeMaw.  After the playground, we went for a stroll, of course.  It was pleasant, not like those crazy hot, mosquito filled days in Houston.  It was so beautiful that I decide this was a good time for a nap.  I snuggled in tight with my pet Zebra and dozed off.


Just hangin’ with MeeMaw ridin’ a turtle


There were a few days of rest.  We hung out at the farm and relaxed.  But I kept hearing talk about visiting an old ice cream factory.  Finally, the day had arrived.  It was off to the ice cream factory.  I had tried ice cream a few days prior.  It was just delightful, exquisite one might say.

We arrived at the factory and lo and behold, it was named after Ma!  It was called Velvet ice cream.  It was a wonderful place.  It is an old mill that had been turned into an ice cream factory.  They have tours and a duck pond and the most amazing ice cream.  Everyone’s favorite flavor was Buckeye, of course!  Ma said the ice cream was not actually named after her, but she has been going there for as long as she can remember.  Oh, what an amazing place.  I think I am in love!