Ohio – Summer Camp 2017

Oh, what an epic week this was. Ma and I went to Ohio to visit MeeMaw and PeePaw. We hopped on a bird and took it directly to Columbus, Ohio. MeeMaw and PeePaw met us at the airport. And we headed straight to their house to begin the festivities.

It started with a trip out to the barn. I met Annie and Blooper a few years ago, but I needed to reintroduce myself to them. I fed them a couple of apples so that they would warm up to me quicker. After we were comfortable with each other, I decided to hop on Blooper to go for a quick jog around the farm. It was like we were old buddies. We didn’t miss a beat. Blooper and I were so good together that we thought about riding into the sunset, but considering sunset was still a ways off – and after my bedtime – we decided to head back to the barn for some snacks. Maybe next time Blooper!


The next morning, we had to feed the neighbor’s chickens. Man, those guys were hungry. I put some feed in my hand and held it out. I thought I was going to lose all of my fingers. I mean, I am pretty small. I thought they mistook my fingers for feed. Whoa! That was a close one. Next time I am just going to put the feed on the ground and run for my life.


Later that day, we were off to Ma’s namesake, Velvet Ice Cream. Ma was actually named after a character from the book National Velvet, but I like to think that MeeMaw and PeePaw named Ma after their favorite ice cream. Come on Ma; it makes for a better story! At Velvet, we enjoyed some wonderful ice cream on a warm day. Then we headed over to the pond to feed the ducks. PeePaw tried to get them to come closer to us. After the morning with the chickens, though, I thought they were close enough!


 The next day, PeePaw had a surprise for me. It was a kite. I have never seen one these before. It was quite a cool contraption. It was fairly large with a long tail. There was a string attached that PeePaw held onto. He had Ma take off running and throw the kite into the air. It caught the wind and flew up, up, up into the air. PeePaw held onto the string, so it didn’t fly into the clouds. I don’t know if you can see my face; it is the face of pure excitement.

Kite 2

After that, we headed up north to go visit my cousins. They are always so much fun to play with. They have some great toys too. Today, it was a lightsaber kind of day. As you can see in the picture, we were ready to take on the world. After defeating the world, we decided to fight each other. Evan’s form was good. However, I overpowered him, and he was defeated.

Later, we headed out to the tennis courts. I played with my boys. Evan and Owen were on the baseline and I played at the net. We were crushing the drills with PeePaw. After drills, everyone played out some points. I sat out for a while and let the pro’s play. At the end, I got back out on the court to hit a few balls with Ma. Always a great day when you get to play tennis.


Our last full day at summer camp started with MeeMaw in the kitchen baking some cookies. We baked some good ole chocolate chip cookies, and they were delish, if I do say so myself. That afternoon, I helped out with a couple of chores around the house including watering the plants. I water our plants at home, so I know I could crush this chore. However, MeeMaw’s watering can was much larger than Ma’s. Anyway, I grabbed it and made my laps around their yard watering plants. I love nature.

 On the way to the airport, we stopped to get out and play around. It is a long flight back to Houston, so Ma wanted me to stretch my legs. At the park, there were a few statues. I always enjoy when I can have fun with statues. These kids just picked me up and held me while they played on the log.


Well, summer camp 2017 is in the books. I look forward to this each year. There is never a dull moment in Ohio. Easy to a great time when you have the best family in the world!
