Ohio Buckeyes


Ohio, for me, is about spending time with family and escaping the Texas heat for a week.  We always head to Ohio during the summer.  My week in Ohio is my own personal summer camp.  We fish, play tennis, ride horses, and eat ice cream.  What more could a boy ask for!

Well, in honor of my trips to Ohio, we decided to make a classic Ohioan treat: Buckeyes.  Buckeyes use possibly the greatest combo of ingredients in the history of humankind, peanut butter and chocolate.  I mean, honestly, is there a better combo you can think of?

Summer camp is not complete until I get my buckeye ice cream from Velvet ice cream!  Check out my trips(2017, 2018, & 2019) to feed the ducks and enjoy some amazing ice cream.  

Well, that’s enough ramblin’ from me… on to the recipe!

  • Velvet Ice Cream 2017

Recipe – Adapted from Food Network

Prep Time: 1 hour

Enjoyment Time:  Saturday’s in the Fall

Parent accompaniments:  Any cold beverage while watching football


2 ½  cups confectioners’ sugar (sifted)

1 cup smooth peanut butter

6 tbs unsalted butter (melted)

½ tsp vanilla extract

¼ tsp kosher salt

8 oz. semisweet chocolate chips

1 tsp shortening


  1.  Add the confectioners sugar, peanut butter, butter, vanilla, and salt to a mixing bowl and mix until all ingredients are well combined.
  1. Take a scoop and form balls.  Arrange on a parchment lined sheet pan.  Refrigerate for at least 20 minutes.  
  1. Melt chocolate and shortening.  (You can microwave)
  1. Take a toothpick and stick in the top center of the peanut butter ball.  Dip into the the chocolate leaving a circle of peanut butter on top.  Note: peanut butter balls need to be cold.  Ours were not cold enough and kept sliding off.
  1. Chill the buckeyes for about 30 minutes or until the chocolate is firm.  Enjoy!