Lakehouse fun

Road trip time.  We loaded up the car with food and floaties and headed to a lake house in East Texas with some of Pa’s friends.  This was going to be an awesome weekend of swimming, jet skiing, and just good fun with friends. 

It started with me getting to know the “good” Liam.  As we waited for the grown-ups to get the boat prepped and ready, Liam and I hung out on the patio contemplating all that is good in our lives.  He talked about his new sister.  I talked about my new kitties that we rescued from the shelter.  We both agreed, life is pretty good.

Pondering what is good in life

By now the boat was ready for an evening cruise.  Fall in Texas can have its perfect weather moments, and this was one of them.  A typical Texas afternoon shower had come and gone.  The water was calm, with only a few clouds.  And then look at what appeared just over the trees: a beautiful rainbow.  It was a great way to get our lake weekend started. 


When we got back to the house, the twins had arrived.  They were pretty young, but they seemed ready for a good time.  It was getting late, and we were still expecting a few more wild folks, Shane and Cooper, to arrive the next day.  So, I headed to bed to get some rest. 

We slept in the next morning in preparation for a big day.  Liam and I helped make some good ole French toast for breakfast, and then Pa took me out on the jet ski.  Whoa, those things are speedy.  We zoomed through the water, catching air a few times. 


Shortly after that, Shane and Cooper finally made it.  Now that the gang was all here, the first order of business was to get a little wet.  We were like fishes in the lake, gracefully swimming through the water (or at least that is what if felt like).   We jumped and dived off the dock, rode the paddle board, squirted water guns, and just had an overall blast. 


A little rain came through in the afternoon, so we had to move this party inside.  It didn’t put a damper on the fun though.  We pulled out the UNO cards and began a few epic rounds.  We also put on an old favorite, Toy Story, and the boys and I hung out and watched the movie.  I was not ready for bed, but my eyes thought differently.  After such a big day, I just could not go any longer.  I called it a night.

The next day we had to head back home.  After breakfast, we went for a quick swim, and I just had to ride the jet ski one more time. Pa took me out even though he wasn’t feeling too well. I guess he stayed up pretty late the night before. 

Then it was time to call it a weekend.  I had fun playing with all these guys.  From jet skis to epic UNO battles, I could not have asked for a better time.  ‘Till we meet again, Lake Jacksonville!