Kaua’i – More than the beach life

Aloha! I’m sorry.  I couldn’t resist. This trip was to Kaua‘i, known as the Garden Isle of Hawaii.  After spending a week here, I totally get the name. I was looking forward to this trip.  Not just because I love the beach and water but because I was headed to my namesake. In Hawaiian, my name means “sea,” which is totally appropriate.  How did my Ma and Pa know I was going to love the water so much?

Kaua‘i was the farthest west I have traveled, so far.  We left early in the morning and after a day of travel, we landed at…lunchtime.  That was weird. I was tired, but we had to push through. We got some lunch and headed to the apartment to get settled in.  

sunset on the beach

Waimea Canyon

We crashed pretty early from the travel but got some good sleep.  The next day we were ready to start our adventures. First, we headed to the iconic Waimea Canyon, the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.  It was an easy drive. We expected to have to hike a bit to get the good views, but little did we know we would be able to drive right up.   It was amazing. So green and beautiful. I was looking forward to hiking though. So on the way back to the apartment, we found a good trail for us to try the next day.  

waimea canyon

Sunrise at Shipwreck Beach

As it turns out, the time change had us all screwed up, so we were all wide awake early.  Like, really early. Pa decided that if we were going to be up, we should see the sunrise.  We loaded the car with cameras (yes, cameras) and headed to nearby Shipwreck Beach. We made it just in time.  I put my toes in the sand and watched the sun come up over the small cliff. Pa took a few pictures but finally relaxed with Ma and me and just enjoyed the sunrise with waves crashing in the background.  

sunrise at shipwreck

Kuilau Ridge Trail

Later that day we headed to our hiking place, Kuilau Ridge Trail.  I was prepped and ready. I had my hiking sticks and was ready for anything that Kaua‘i threw at me.  It was a tough hike though. It was about a mile uphill to get to the picnic area, which is hard on little legs.  It was still fun. The views were spectacular, the birds in the trees were singing. It was definitely a cool place to experience the Garden Isle. But after our early morning and the long walk up, I was done. Pa took pity on me, and as soon as he picked me up, I fell asleep on his shoulder.  

Kilohana Plantation

I was super excited about our adventure the next day.  We headed to Kilohana Plantation. There was so much to see and do that we made a full day out of it.  For starters, there was an old train that took people around the property. We got on board with a bunch of other people and then headed out.  Our first stop was to feed some of the animals. The donkeys were my favorite. Then at the next stop, we got off the train with a smaller group to have a picnic lunch.  Who doesn’t love a picnic? 

kilohana plantation

After the picnic, we went on a nature walk with an awesome guide.  It was cool to be in the thick of the Garden Isle. Right in the middle of a tropical forest.  We saw some really old trees and beautiful flowers.  

big tree

Before we packed up to leave, we headed over to the orchards to pick some fruit.  We tried several different oranges, lemons, and limes. We were even able to pick a few of our favorite to take back with us.  The highlight here, though, was the sugar cane. The guide grabbed a stalk and motioned for me to come over. He twisted the sugar water directly into my mouth!  It sure was yummy.  

Maha’ulepu Heritage Trail

Kilohana Plantation was a full-day outing, so the next day we took it easy.  It started with a hike nearby along the rocky coast. We had to climb up and down the rocks.  I felt like a real adventurer. It was amazing to see how hard the waves hit the rocks and how that has shaped the coast over the years.  

Spouting Horn

After our hike, we headed to another cool spot on the island, Spouting Horn. At this place, waves push through a lava tube and shoot high into the sky.  It is quite a spectacular thing to witness. 

spouting horn

Minature Golf

The next day, we got in the car and headed to the other side of the island, Princeville.  With all of these cool things to do, I didn’t want to spend that much time in the car. But Pa said he had a surprise for me.  I admit I was intrigued. It turns out he had found an epic miniature golf course! There were sand traps and water. It was like we were playing real golf.  Pa may have had to save my ball a couple of times, but despite my wild hits, I still crushed Ma and Pa. I worked up a pretty good appetite by this time, so we went and had pizza for lunch.  Okay Pa, that was a pretty good surprise. 

miniature golf

McBryde Gardens

If that day was for me, our last full day was for Pa.  We headed to McBryde Gardens. We had to take a bus to get there.  This place was huge – 50 acres of amazing flowers, plants, and trees.  Some trees were so large I could climb inside the trunk and still have enough room for a picnic.  There were also a bunch of cool little lizards hanging out too. We spent a couple of hours exploring, but it was getting pretty hot and I wanted to make sure I got in one last afternoon at the beach. 

The Garden Isle lives up to name.  Everywhere you look it is beautiful, lush, and very green.  I enjoyed the activities but let’s face it, I’m a beach bum at heart.  That’s the real reason we’re here. Let’s get to the beach bro!