Jackson Hole, Wyoming

So Ma needed a snow fix.  Since she had grown up in Ohio, she had started to miss the snow.  I had never seen snow, much less temperatures below 50F.  So we hopped on an easy flight to Jackson, Wyoming.

We left Christmas day, and it was 80F.  We landed, 3 hours later, and it was 6F.  Man was that cold.  We got off the plane on the tarmac and the cold just went straight to the bones.  Ma and Pa had dressed me in this goofy suit.  I could not move an inch.  Oh well, it kept me warm, so I was happy.

We got to Jackson late in the afternoon, so we decided to tool around town for a little before heading off to dinner.  There was this great park in the center of town that had archways full of antlers.  There had to be thousands of antlers there.  It was epic.


Jackson Town Center


Dinner that night was quite unique.  Ma and Pa like try different things and I was really starting to get the hang of this whole eating things off of plates.  I was quite enjoying it.  So they ordered some Brussel sprouts with pomegranate seeds based off the waiter suggesting that I might enjoy them.  Waiter shmaiter, what does he know.  But they arrived at the table and I was very hungry at this point so I gave them a shot.  Oh boy, was I glad I did.  Who knew these green things could be so good.  I scarfed down as many as I could.  When the bowl was empty, I even tried to wave down the waiter to get some more, but he thought it was just a baby being cute.  I thought “stop playing with me and bring more of that food” but I did not know the sign for all that.  Finally, the main dish came out.  It was Beef cheek with spätzle.  It also had some green stuff on top.  I thought it might be the same as before so I acted quickly and before Ma and Pa noticed I had a handful and stuff my mouth.  Woooooo, that was not the same….not the same.  I chewed, swallowed and lunged towards my water.  It was the fastest Ma and Pa had ever seen me move.  They were cracking up as I chugged my water.  Come to find out it was pickled zucchini.  Now that was a surprise.  I slowed down the rest of the evening on trying new items.  I did enjoy the beef cheek after Pa begged me to give it a shot.  It was pretty good.  But lesson learned.  Examine, smell, maybe even lick before just shoving new food into your mouth!


chug! chug! chug!


The next morning we began our adventure, but not before my first attempt at a snow angel.  I wiggled out of Pa’s arms and dove into the snow.  I flailed my arms and legs trying to dig myself into an angel.  No luck.  The snow was too old and hard.  And boy, it sure was cold.  Pa scooped me up, and we were off to visit Teton Village and climb a mountain.

My snow angel attempt

We hopped on a bus and rode up to the base of the mountain at Teton Village.  Man, this place was busy.  People on ski’s and snowboards are just scootin’ around town.  We were there for two reasons: to see the view from the top of the mountain and to have waffles and hot chocolate.  We bought our tickets for the gondola and waited in line to hop on.  We were the only people without skis or a snowboard.  Apparently, people ride these objects down the side of the mountain.  That sounds a bit crazy but to each their own.  Pa put me on his shoulders because it was jammed packed.  We made it to the top and let everyone else off while we stood back to take in the views.  And wow were they spectacular.  We could see for days.  Snow covered mountains all around.  But there is only so much time you can spend looking at the view when I was promised waffles.

Rendezvous Peak

We headed over to Corbet’s Cabin where it was warm and toasty.  I took off my mummy suit so I could relax and enjoy some waffles.  I don’t know if it was the altitude talking, but those waffles were amazing.  By the time Ma and Pa let me have some of the hot chocolate, it was more like lukewarm chocolate.  Still pretty good, though.  We hung out there and rested for a while.  People watching was pretty good too.  People from all over grabbed a bite before going down the side of the mountain.  We took the easy way, though. We hopped back on the tram, which was mostly empty this time around. We could enjoy the views all the way down.  It was a big day, so I put my head on Pa’s shoulder nodded off.


Corbet’s Cabin