Houston Fun

It was a big weekend in my own city.  One of Pa’s best friends was getting married. Pa was in the wedding, so we decided to pack up the car and hang out in the city for the weekend.

It started on Friday with the rehearsal dinner.  I ran around with some other people my size.  The church was big and had lots of open space for me to roam and for Ma to chase after me.  Then it was off to dinner.

This place was fantastic.  It was someone’s home in which the first floor had been converted into an entertainment space.  The food was really good too.  I ate my body weight and then played some soccer with the balloons with more people that were my size.  One of Pa’s friends and I took a selfie with serious face.  I tried, but his bald head was so shiny and just too funny!!  If you look closely in the background, you will see an epic photobomb.

12 Blake & Kai at the rehearsal 5-20-2016

The next day was like Christmas for Pa.  The Houston Museum of Fine Arts was showing the Sculpted in Steel exhibit.  These were amazing cars from the early 1900’s.  They were some truly awesome creations from some of the great artists, yes artists, during that time.  Below are some of my favorites.

Later that day, we headed out to the wedding. I got dressed to the nines for this event.  I had a new outfit with a bow tie and vest.  I looked good.  I tried to photo bomb some of the shots with the groom, Pa, and their friends but I kept getting kicked out.  The ceremony was very quiet.  I was ready for the party.  Ma tried to keep me quiet but I wasn’t having it.  She had to get up, and we went outside for a bit.  Ooopps 🙂

Now it was time for what I had been waiting for the entire day.  The reception.  There was food, drinks, and a DJ.  I was ready for the DJ.  I rolled my sleeves up, threw off the bowtie, and hit the dance floor.  There were a ton of people my size.  We danced for hours.  Every song just touched my soul.  I love music.  We partied until late in the night until finally Pa scooped me off the floor to head back to the hotel.  I kicked and screamed as I wanted to dance longer, but he won out.  It was an awesome night and a great weekend.