Guadeloupe – Beach Fun

Off to the beach. We headed to the “butterfly” island of Guadeloupe. It is called the butterfly island because of its distinctive shape. Ma was here to do some work. I was here to have fun at the beach!

We headed to our house for the week to get unpacked and settled in. It was in a great spot. Right down the road was a small, quiet beach (Plague Leroux) that seemed to be mostly used by locals. It wasn’t much bigger than a football field. This was my kind of beach. The sand was soft, the water was calm, and it gave me just enough room to act a little crazy.


But, as we all know, the weather can wreak havoc on your plans. While this great little beach seemed perfect, it turned out to be in the line of afternoon showers. Every. Single. Day. The great thing about Guadeloupe, though, was that you could drive 5 minutes, leave the rain behind, and have fun on another beautiful beach.


Each beach we went to on the island was great. The water stayed fairly calm so I could get out and enjoy. Every day we would see different fishies swimming all around us. We would also get a little catch in on the beach. Toss and catch are necessary for every beach trip.


When we would get tired from playing catch and swimming, we would head back to the sand and build. This trip was all about the sand volcano. We would build the volcano up high, dig a trench around the bottom to catch the waves of “lava” that would come in from the ocean. I would then make a trip to gather more “lava” to help it erupt.

Guadeloupe Grand-AnseGuadeloupe Grand-Anse

The Guadeloupe beaches are some the best I have experienced in my long life! This place has more to offer other than beaches and water, but it is always my most favorite place to start. I love the feeling of my toes hitting the sand!