Grand Cayman – The Fun

The beach life is great.  I absolutely love it.  But, hanging out there all day.  That can be exhausting.  So each day we find an adventure to go on.  By the time we are done, I am ready for some relaxation on the beach.

Our first stop in Grand Cayman was the Cayman Turtle Farm.  We got there early and had the place to ourselves for a while.  At home, when Ma and I go for a walk, one of our favorite things to do is stop at our little pond and count the turtles.  These are tiny guys that we count.  So when we walked in and saw the turtles here, I was amazed.  What do they feed these guys?  They were giant.  These are Green Sea Turtles, and they can get up to 500 pounds.  500 pounds!  It was such a cool sight to see all of these turtles so gracefully gliding through the water.

Cayman Turtle Farm

So Pa has an unhealthy obsession with cars.  Maybe not unhealthy.  I should probably walk that back a bit.  I might like to have a cool car when I get older…. hint, hint, wink, wink!  Our next stop was the Cayman Motor Museum.  Inside this building, there were dozens of cars.  From Rolls Royce’s to Thunderbirds.


The next day we headed to the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park.  I led the way through the park.  Pa held the map so we wouldn’t get lost.  We can’t trust Ma with the map; she is a geographer! The place was wonderfully laid out.  Pa was in heaven with all the flowers.  I even got to take a picture with a giant iguana!  It was an awesomely relaxing experience.

On the way back to the hotel from the gardens, we found this awesome little restaurant right on the water.  Ma and Pa enjoyed cocktails, and we all enjoyed a wonderful meal listening to waves crash below us.   The view always makes the food taste better, and this was top notch.


Next day it was off to a rum factory.  My third visit to one in the Caribbean.  We headed to Seven Fathoms distillery.  Such a fun place.  We got a tour of the facility, and Pa even enjoyed some straight from the vat.  This place also ages their rum in the sea.  They let the waves agitate the product.  How cool is that?

Our last big adventure for this trip was a visit to Pedro St. James.  This is a national historic site with a rich history of Grand Cayman.  It has, perhaps, the greatest intro for a museum.  There was music, lights, fake thunderstorms, misters, and so much more.  That, itself, was worth the admission.

After the intro, we were able to walk the property.  It is right on the coast and very well maintained.  We quickly located a cannon. It had some odd ammunition! We hope the cannon has been dormant for a while, and they were not actually firing lizards out of them.  Pa and I then posed for our traditional cannon shot.

The house was absolutely amazing.  It had a wraparound porch on every level.  The whole house could be opened up to take advantage of the Caribbean breezes.  The kitchen was in a separate building.  Pa and I poked around in the wood-fired oven.  We totally need one of these at our house…..hint, hint, wink, wink, Ma!  This place is a must-visit if you’re ever in Grand Cayman.

Checking out the oven

Finally, we end our trip with gelato.  No trip to the Caribbean is complete without a gelato or ice cream run.  We found a great little place in a major shopping area near our hotel.  No better way to end a trip!

06 Kai's bowl is empty 12-16-2016