Grand Cayman – The Beach

I love the beach.  And as you can see in the picture above, the beach loves me.  This whole trip I was beating the ladies off my shovel.  I was like, “Ladies, I am here to relax, and you be stressing me out!”

This vacation was about some good R&R.  Being two is tough.  I only sleep 12 hours a day now.  My school is teaching ABC’s and 123’s.  I have to cook my own vegetables every night.  I needed a break.  A beach break to be specific, and Grand Cayman was just the answer.  We were on the beach every single day.  We usually just hung around on the beach outside the hotel that was located on Seven Mile Beach.

We went to a different beach on Day 1.  It was not really meant for swimming.  It was great for walking along the water with your feet on the sand.  There were a few para-sailors flying around but other than that, no one.  It was very windy, as you can see in the photo below.  It was wonderfully peaceful.  We walked for about an hour, just listening to waves crash against the shore.  The beach life is what I live for!


The rest of the days we would have an adventure in the morning, exploring different parts of the island (see next post), and then we would come back and hang out at the beach.



We spent our afternoon’s building sandcastles, being buried, and making flippers out of the sand.  When it got too hot, I would run off into the water.  We would swim for a while and then head back to the beach for more sand time.


There was one instance that just made me giggle.  I was working on a sand fortress.  I was four towers in and had to get more water to make the sand more compact.  On my way back, I peeked behind me and there appeared to be a man in a thong.  Yes, a thong.  Look at the evidence below and tell me what you think.  I could not believe this.  It.  Was.  Hilarious.  Ma was embarrassed, and Pa spewed his cocktail everywhere.  Oh man!  Gotta love foreign countries!!!


The beach life is great.  One of my two favorite things at the beach is to kick the ball along the shore.  Ma and I played for what seemed like hours.  I am pretty sure we kicked the ball the entire length of Seven Mile Beach.  I may be exaggerating a bit but who cares.



My second favorite part of the beach is the sunset.  Pa and I made it out a couple of nights to watch the sunset over the water.  It is peaceful.  It is calming.  It really is what this life should be about.  Forgetting all the stress of school.  What a great trip!