Dallas – Fun in the “Wild”

Pa was working in Dallas for a couple of weeks, so Ma picked me up from school early, and we hopped in the car and drove up to see him.

01 Mommy & Kai beginning road trip to Dallas 6-2-2017

Once we got to Dallas, our first stop was a restaurant that Ma had picked out in anticipation of our next big trip, Sri Lanka.  The meal was pretty good.  The owners came out and talked to us about our trip.  It got me even more excited than before.

02 Sri Lankan Food in Dallas for dinner 6-2-2017

The next morning we woke up early and headed to the Dallas World Aquarium.  Oh man, it was epic.  We got to see animals and fishies from all over the world.  My favorite fish was the shark that you could see in the tunnel.  It had the coolest nose I have ever seen on an animal.  It looked like it was ready to trim the hedges in my yard.

09 Kai & Sawfish at the Dallas Aquarium 6-3-2017

Then there was the sloth.  He moved slowly, slowly, slowly up and down the tree.  His nails were so long.  It was quite a sight.


We also got to visit the penguins.  They looked like fun creatures.  They were playing with each other, jumping off the rocks into the water and swimming like crazy people under the water.  They were my kind of animals.


That night we headed to the city of Grapevine.  Ma and Pa wanted to visit a brewery, and I heard there was a train I could climb on.  The train was really old and very cool.  The town itself had a neat main drag with cool shops and small restaurants.  We settled on some Italian for that night.


The next day we were off to the Dallas Arboretum.  This is the real reason we came to Dallas.  Ma and Pa were so excited.  This place was beautiful.  We spent hours there.

Another cool thing was that there was a Zimbabwe exhibit.  They had dozens of statues all over the grounds.  Many of the statues were from Aron Kapembeza, one of the most successful sculptors from Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe just happens to be one of Ma’s favorite places.  She spent several weeks there before I was born.

There was a ton of stuff to do.  Besides all the sculptures, there was an awesome kids park with lots of activities and ways for me to learn about how plants grow.   We could have spent several days going around this place.  But sadly it was time for Ma and I to go home, and Pa had to head back to work.  What a great weekend.

44 Daddy, Kai, Mommy Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Gardens 6-4-2017