Cleveland – Fun with the Cousins

My purpose for going to Ohio, other than to help Ma with work, was to hang out with my only two cousins.  I was super excited to see them again.  The last time I saw them I was only a little tyke.  This time, I was ready for some action!

When we arrived, both Evan and Owen were still in school.  I got myself acclimated to the house, located where all the toys were inside, and where all the sports stuff was outside.  Once Evan and Owen got home from school, we hit the ground running.  Basketballs and soccer ball came out.  We shot baskets, kicked soccer balls, scored a lot of goals.  I did my traditional goal dance every time.  These boys are fun!

The next day, they had to go back to school and so Ma and Pa took me on an adventure (see Cleveland – Fun in the City).  After school let out, we headed back to their house for more.  This time we pulled out rocket launchers and sling shots.  We shot arrows so high in the air that I could not see them anymore.  Eventually, they came back down, but I swear they touched the bottom of the clouds.  That night, after dinner and bath time, Evan and Owen picked out their favorite books to read to me before bed.

25 Cousin Owen reading to Daddy & Kai 9-20-2016

The next day MeeMaw and PeePaw made it into town.  We had the whole crew, minus Uncle Jason.  We had to take our obligatory family pictures.  I was in a pretty good mood so we started with me.  We got a few new “gangster” photos with my cousins, although none were as good as the original OG photo.  We got some good shots and a few funny outtakes.

12 Evan, Kai escaping, Owen 9-2016

Later that morning, we went for a drive and came across a park with a giant cannon.  Every trip requires a cannon shot.  This is the first family cannon shot.  It was awesome.  This was a big day; it was time for a nap.

103 Peepaw, Evan, Daddy, Kai, Owen Aurora 9-24-2016

The next morning there was rumor of donuts.  George’s were supposedly some epic donuts that we just had to try.  Apparently, you have to order these in advance to get the ones that you want.  We had a big day planned so it was important to get some sugary substances in my belly.  Finally, Pa and Evan got back with the donuts.  I scarfed one down, got another, and scarfed that one down too.  They. Were. Amazing!!!

98 Kai & Evan eating donuts 9-2016

That afternoon began an adventure like no other.  We headed out to Guyette Farms.  I was a little hesitant at first.  There were a lot of bigger kids running around.  I just watched Evan and Owen.  I observed how they maneuvered through the obstacle courses, weaving in and out of the other kids, avoiding catastrophic collisions.  After a few minutes, I was ready to join them.  I was hopping over hay bales and running through tubes.

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We then headed over to the petting of animals portion of our afternoon.  I was not too keen on this part and just wanted to go play some more.


It was then off to the corn maze.  Evan and Owen led the way, and I did my best to keep up with them.  They are fast though.  Every couple turns they would slow up so I could catch them.  I knew where I was going, but I did not know about them.  Eventually, we made it out and thankfully we did not have to spend the night in the maze.

180 Evan found Kai, Owen 9-24-2016

The next part of the adventure was the hay ride out to the pumpkin patch.  Pa and I had never seen a real pumpkin patch before.  I was so excited.  But first, there was a tractor to take us out to go pick the pumpkins.  Before I ran off to find mine, I decided to hop onto the tractor and take her for a spin.  She ran good, but now it was time for the serious business of selecting a pumpkin.

I tested several pumpkins.  But there was one that just felt right.  I hopped on the pumpkin and rode it around the farm.  This was my pumpkin, and I was very proud of it.  We had a fantastic day at the farm.


The next day it was back to airport.  We said goodbye to MeeMaw, PeePaw, and Aunt Amber.  I tried to convince Evan and Owen to come back to Texas with me but they said they had to stay and finish school.   Booooooooo!!!!!!  It was a great trip to Ohio, and I had so much fun with my cousins.

Meemaw Peepaw Boys