Swiss Fondue

Switzerland is a magical place any time of year, but in the wintertime, it becomes spectacular.  The train trips through the snow-covered mountains, the sledding, and the skiing all create a wonderful experience.   The Trip One of my favorite parts of our trip was the Bernina Express through the Swiss Alps and into northern Italy. …

i feel sLOVEnia!

Shhhhh… there is a hidden country in Europe that not a lot of people know about!  I don’t even want to mention its name.  It still feels unexplored by tourists.  There is incredible nature, amazing castles and churches, sea and skiing, and my favorite, some amazing culinary adventures.  See several posts about our trip in…

An Italian Pizza Story

We have a rule in our family: always try pizza whenever you are traveling, no matter where you are.  Find a pizza.  While we were in Switzerland, we made a short trip to Italy (see A night in Tirano).  Obviously we had to find some great, authentic Italian pizza.  This was actually my second time…

Swiss fun with a hint of Liechtenstein

The Arrival! What a start to our trip.  The landing into the London airport was rough, and I got a bit sick.  That had Ma and Pa distracted. We had a longer layover, so we were not really in any rush to get off the plane.  I did what I needed to do, and we…

A night in Tirano

Tirano is a small town in Northern Italy right on the border of Switzerland.  The river Adda runs right through the middle of town. Triano may be a small town, but it was still in Italy and when in Italy, one must consume pizza and gelato.   Because it was too early to get into our…

Bernina Express

I was so excited about this trip.  I had been looking forward to taking my first big-time train trip.  And oh, what a train to ride. We were taking the Bernina Express through the Swiss Alps into northern Italy.  This trip was going to epic! We woke up super early.  The sun wasn’t even awake…

Slovenia – The Coast

The Alps were great. But now we were headed to the coast for the real reason we were here. Ma was lecturing at Turistica in Portorož. So, we packed up and headed through Italy to get to the Slovenian coast. On the drive, we stopped a couple of times. Our first stop was in a…

Slovenia – The Alps

We landed at the Ljubljana airport just as the sun was setting. Flurries were falling. A friend of Ma’s met us at the airport. He helped us get our car and gave us some general direction to get to our hotel. By then it was dark, and the flurries had stopped. We hopped in the…