The Jerk Chicken Shack

We did not plan to go to Jamaica.  Just ten days earlier, we had to cancel a trip to Sri Lanka because I came down with pneumonia hours before we were scheduled to leave.  We were all pretty sad, but my favorite aunt suggested we tag along on their trip to Jamaica. So we got…

A Pancake to Remember

Bonaire is a hidden gem in the southern part of the Caribbean.  It is known for its scuba diving, I mean really known for its scuba diving.  When we went there in 2016 there were more people underwater than were on the beach.  It was quite amazing.  I have a few stories from our week…

Guadeloupe – The Sights

I love the beach, but this trip was more than just basking in the sun.  Guadeloupe has a ton of activities, more than we could pack into a week-long trip.  We set our sights on a few of the highlights and must-see places. We were based on Basse Terre, so most of our activities were…

Guadeloupe – Beach Fun

Off to the beach. We headed to the “butterfly” island of Guadeloupe. It is called the butterfly island because of its distinctive shape. Ma was here to do some work. I was here to have fun at the beach! We headed to our house for the week to get unpacked and settled in. It was…

Jamaica – Beach life with the Cousins

So we were supposed to be in Sri Lanka.  But the day we were going to leave someone, not naming names, had a high fever and then was diagnosed with pneumonia and strep throat.  It was recommended by the doctor that we not jump on a 16-hour flight to Dubai.  My bad Ma and Pa….

Grand Cayman – The Fun

The beach life is great.  I absolutely love it.  But, hanging out there all day.  That can be exhausting.  So each day we find an adventure to go on.  By the time we are done, I am ready for some relaxation on the beach. Our first stop in Grand Cayman was the Cayman Turtle Farm. …

Grand Cayman – The Beach

I love the beach.  And as you can see in the picture above, the beach loves me.  This whole trip I was beating the ladies off my shovel.  I was like, “Ladies, I am here to relax, and you be stressing me out!” This vacation was about some good R&R.  Being two is tough.  I…

Bonaire – The Food and The House

Pa really enjoys cooking while we travel.  He is also cheap!  After we land and get situated in our accommodations, Pa’s first trip is to a local market or grocery store.  To save a little bit of money, or be cheap like I said, he will buy ingredients to cook breakfast and dinner almost every…

Bonaire – My Adventures

With my Ma being a geographer we are always heading out on some crazy adventures.  This time, I was in charge of mapping out the order of our events in Bonaire.  But reading a map is tough, and many of the best adventures happen when there is no plan.  So we threw the map away…

Bonaire – The Beaches

Our journey to Bonaire started like any other.  We landed at night, got our car, and Pa proceeded to get lost.  After about 45 minutes of driving in circles, we finally found our house.  It was a cozy little place right on the water, Casa Topana.  At this point, though, there was no time for…