Kenya Vibibi

Kenya is a wild place, literally. At our second camp, Offbeat Mara, we had to be escorted from our tent to dinner after dark. On the first night, our escort told us to “move quickly.” Then he shone his flashlight into the brush about 30-40 yards away, and we could see a pair of eyes…

Kenya – Mara North Safari

The craziness continued in Kenya as we headed to the Mara North Conservancy to the Offbeat Mara Camp.  If you want to see how we got here then take a moment to read the previous post, Kenya – Ekorian Mugie Safari. After a couple of hops on a plane we landed at Mara North Conservancy. …

Kenya – Ekorian Mugie Safari

This one is epic. Buckle up for some fun stories and a wild ride on the first part of our Kenyan Safari.  But first, how did we get here? Getting to Kenya Pa came across a good flight to Kenya and got really excited.  Ma thought it would be a good idea to do some…