Boston – Cold in April!

Ma and I jumped on an airplane and headed to Boston.  Pa had been working in Atlanta and was meeting us there.  I was very excited, as this city has so much history. However, that excitement quickly disappeared because of the weather.  It was cold and rainy the whole time we were there, but I think we made the most of it.

We were here for Ma’s conference.  I was here for food and the history.  Our first stop was to get a hot cup of clam chowder.  We found a small café and grabbed some sandwiches and chowder….and boy was it good.

07 Kai trying the clam chowder in Boston 4-5-2017

Ma had to head to work, so Pa and I jumped into a taxi and headed to Harvard (pronounced Haahhhveerrrd).  We strolled around campus looking at the old buildings and statues.  What a cool place to see.  To understand all the great leaders who have been on this campus.  At one point Pa and I sat down and just took it all in.  While taking it all in, we got cold, so we quickly scrambled to find some hot chocolate.

To get back to the hotel, Pa decided to take the subway.  I had never been on a train, much less one that ran underground.  It was loud.  As the train arrived, it blew my hair.  What a powerful machine.  We hopped on and went for a ride.

19 Kai riding the train to Harvard 4-7-2017 

We had tickets to a Red Sox game, but that was rained out.  Pa was so disappointed.  Luckily, one of Ma’s alma maters was holding a party at Bleacher Bar.  When we got there, we did a lap around the park before going inside.  We got to see statues of all the famous Red Sox players.  This is such a cool place.  The bar is located in the green monster in left field.  Pa and posed for a few pictures.  I couldn’t contain my excitement.

On our last day, we did a tour of South Boston.  We headed to the harbor to see where the Boston Tea Party occurred. There were so many cool old ships.  We then headed to Faneuil Hall Marketplace.  What a great place.  So many different places to eat.  Pa was craving a lobster roll and some lobster bisque, so we found the place with the longest line.  We figured they must be doing something right.

We ended the day with a stroll around Boston Gardens.  The sun had finally come out, although it was still pretty chilly.  We kicked the ball, watched the squirrels and took a few more pictures with statues.

54 Daddy & Kai Boston 4-8-2017

The real reason we were in Boston was to support Ma.  The 2nd edition of her book had just come out, and the publisher was debuting it at this conference.  I was so excited to see it.  She is so smart and talented.  Love ya Ma.  I am very proud of you!!!