Blueberry Pickin’ – 2015

It was a hot summer day (well anytime after Apil in Houston is considered summer) and Ma was very excited for the morning’s event.  She was running around the house trying to find the sunscreen and mosquito spray (necessary 11 ½ months out of the year).  We all ate breakfast quick that morning, and she shuffled us into the car.  Where were we going?  What were we about to do?  If Ma was this excited, then it had to be good!

We drove north and east to the middle of nowhere.  Pa turned on some random dirt road in a place called Evergreen, Texas.  We pulled into a fenced area with a couple of other cars.  Then it was time for sunscreen and for me to hop into Pa’s ridin’ sack.  The ridin’ sack is much better now that my crazy parents have turned me around.  I can now see the whole world.

We walked over to a lady by the gate, and she handed us two buckets.  And then we were released.  Off into an orchard of Blueberries.  It was a pick-your-own blueberry farm.  Oh, and what fun it was.  I was grabbing blueberries left and right and shoving them into my mouth before Pa could catch me.  I can see why Ma was so excited about the day’s events.


Eat all I can

We stayed out in the fields picking for about an hour and were able to pick several pounds.  It would have been several pounds more, but they ended up in my belly.  It was getting hotter by the minute, so we called it a day, paid for our blueberries, and headed home.  I was fat.  I was happy.  It was time for me to fade off to sleep!