Bayou Bend Gardens

Ma and Pa love being outside.  They tell me that Houston has some great parks.  Ah, I can take it or leave it right now.  Just make sure it is not too hot.  This stroller enjoys keeping the warmth in.  What were my parents thinking? We live in freaking Houston.  Sorry……I got a bit distracted.

Bayou Bend Collections and Gardens

So we headed down to an old house in Houston that had an amazing garden.  It was March, and the azaleas were in full bloom.  And there were a ton of them.  All sorts of varieties.  We walked all around, well, I strolled.  Pa seemed to really enjoy it.  Now that I think about it, we have a lot of pictures of flowers in the house.  I think this might be my parents “thing.”  Tulips were in season as well, so my parents propped me up and tried to take a few pictures.  I think we got a couple of good shots.  You can be the judge of that.

Bayou Bend Gardens 2
Tulips at Bayou Bend

Fun With Statues

Pa also introduced to me a very fun activity that we get to do when we travel.  FUN WITH STATUES.  He said he has done this on some previous trips, but it was the first time he could include me.  I think I am going to enjoy this.

Bayou Bend Gardens 3
Just chillin with Cupid