An Italian Pizza Story

We have a rule in our family: always try pizza whenever you are traveling, no matter where you are.  Find a pizza.  While we were in Switzerland, we made a short trip to Italy (see A night in Tirano).  Obviously we had to find some great, authentic Italian pizza. 


Tirano Italy

This was actually my second time to cross the border into Italy. We did not stay long either time, but on both trips, I made sure to get some gelato.  That may be my favorite Italian food, but a close second would have to be a good ole pepperoni pizza. 

mmm gelato

Tirano is a sleepy town in Northern Italy.  We arrived via the Bernina Express and had about 20 hours to kill before heading back the next afternoon.  We knew we had to get some pizza during this time, but it was too early so I convinced Ma and Pa to get some gelato instead.  As it turned out, we had to wait for the next day to get our pizza.

Wood-fired Pizza

We stumbled upon a cozy restaurant, Antica Osteria dell’Angelo.  We could smell the wood-fired pizza oven.  The smell of fire and the fresh dough is just intoxicating.  Their pizzas were very traditional.  They had a light and crispy crust.  The sauce was a fresh tomato sauce topped with Mozzarella and Parmesan.  My pizza had pepperoni, and it was worth the wait.  Each bite was a slice of heaven.  Crispy, with just the right amount of sauce and cheese.  There is just nothing in this world quite like it.  Delish!

Below is my attempt at making a pizza as good as the one I described above.  I am at a slight disadvantage, though.  Pa does not have a wood-fired pizza oven.  But, we do have a pizza stone.  This will help us get that crispy crust.  

The recipe below is from MeeMaw.  Follow it closely and you will get something close to Italy, but it is not quite the same as being there.  I use this recipe to get me through until we are able to go back again. Food always helps spark my memories!


  • Prep Time: 1 hour 45 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Enjoyment Time: All Night 😉
  • Parent accompaniments: Bottle of Chianti!
kai recipe
Kai’s Recipe!

For the pizza dough

  • 1 package yeast
  • ½ cup of warm water
  • ½ cup milk
  • 1 tbsp. shortening
  • ½ tbsp sugar
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • 2 ½ cups bread flour

Build the Pizza

  • Pizza Sauce – We used ¼ cup per pizza
  • Mozzarella Cheese – We used ½ cup per pizza
  • Parmesan Cheese – We used 2-3 tbsp per pizza
  • Pepperoni – We like to fill the whole surface of the pizza (when we are not making smiley faces).


  1. Preheat oven to 400F.  Once preheated, if you have a stone then place inside.  It is good to preheat the stone for atleast 15 minutes.  Longer will help create a crispier crust.  We preheated ours for an hour.
  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water.  Let stand for a few minutes to activate.
  1. Scald milk, shortening, sugar and salt.  Let cool.
  1. Once cooled, add yeast mix to the scalded milk mixture—place in a mixing bowl.  Gradually mix in flour with the paddle.
  1. Once all the flour is incorporated, switch to the hook.  Knead until the dough is smooth.  Let rise (approx. 30 min)
  1. Cut the dough in half.
  1. Flour your rolling surface.  Roll the dough in the flour. 
  1. Next, roll out the dough as thin as you like.  We like ours pretty thin!
  1. Then you should score the dough.  You can use a fork.
  1. Add tomato sauce and spread coast to coast.  Add Mozzarella then Parmesan across the pizza.  Layer the pepperoni coast to coast.
  1. Depending on the thickness of the crust, you will cook anywhere from 12-20 minutes.  Ours cooked for 15 minutes.
  1. Remove Pizza.  Let cool (for just a moment). Then enjoy your own Italian Pizza!
smiley pizza
Happy Pizza!