A weekend in Galveston

I had heard my parents speak about this place.  A place of vast waters and sandy beaches.  I enjoyed my last few visits to the beach and figured this would be fun too.

We were going down to Galveston to celebrate a friend’s birthday.  They had a camper right off of the beach…..super cool!!  When we got there, Ma and Pa got me changed into my bathing suit and sun shirt.  It was such a beautiful day to be at the beach.  It was not too hot, and there was a nice breeze.  I played in the sand for a while…..trying to sneak a few bites while my parents weren’t looking.  There were a few other kids, a couple years older than me, so I snuck over there and played with them for a while.


Ma and Me at the beach


I was just buying time until I could go into the water.  Waves were crashing against the sand.  Some of the bigger kids had already been out…..so I knew it was safe.  I wandered over to the water and let it hit my feet.  It was not too cold.  It felt quite nice.  I motioned over to Pa to get me and take me out.  I was ready.  We waded out to where some of the other kids were.  It was fun.  The waves would splash us, they would push us back and forth, and even go over our head.  Pa would put me on his shoulders and dunk us.  It was so much fun.


A quick dip


We headed back towards shore, still playing in the waves.  As we got closer, Pa put me down with my feet and ankles in the water.  All of a sudden, a wave came crashing on the shore and knocked me over.  I flew face first into the water.  I was submerged.  It was exhilarating.  Pa quickly grabbed me, and as I came up, I was giggling.  It was great.  The look on Ma’s face, however, was not.  She saw my face and heard my giggle and knew everything was fine.  Don’t worry Ma; I got this!!!!

The next day we woke up and went to breakfast.  I devoured some French toast and fruit.  It was A-Mazing!!!  We hung out on the patio for a while.  I decided to entertain the people sitting behind us.  They kept laughing and smiling at me.  I guess I was doing my job.

After breakfast, we headed back to the hotel, and Pa got the bikes and my trailer set up.  We loaded up and went for a pleasant bike ride down the seawall.  I could hear the waves still crashing against the beach.  I faded off to sleep.  What a fun weekend.

